Park tradycji – EN
SCK – Park Tradycji
ul. E. Orzeszkowej 12
41-103 Siemianowice Śląskie
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00
Saturday – Sunday: during the hours of artistic events
Park Tradycji (Tradition Park) is a postindustrial building that together with its surroundings constitutes a cultural institution. The rise of the Park was possible thanks to the renovation of the machinery building and a shaft called ‘Michał’ (‘Michael’) in Michałkowice district. The history of the object began in 19th century when ‘Max’, a predecessor of ‘Michał’, was founded.
(Historical facts extracted from: Małgorzata Derus, ‘Z dziejów przemysłu Siemianowic Śląskich’, Siemianowice Śl. 2012, p. 25 – 35)
The activity of ‘Max’ was started by the Rheinbaben family which – as an owner of Michałkowice at that time – gained rights to build a coal mine in 1856 and started to rise it in 1881. Coal mining started two years later.
The next crucial moment for the company was 1892 when Prince Hugo Hohenlohe-Oehringen bought Michałkowice together with the coal mine. During the next decade there was a great and dynamic progress of the mine: two working shafts were made deeper and a new shaft was erected; it was called ‘Christian Kraft’ to honour prince’s Hohenlohe-Oehringen son. 34 years later the shaft was named ‘Krystyn’ and in 1975 the old shaft’s tower was replaced by a new one which was renovated and nowadays can be admired by Tradition Park visitors being an important landmark in local scenery.
In 1905 the mine included 5 shafts and variety of mine buildings and engines. Since this year until the thirties of the 20th century the mine was administrated by a public company ‘Hohenlohe’s Works’ created by Christian Kraft. The Company kept modernizing and extending ‘Max’. The name of the mine, known much better among the people of Siemianowice, was given to it in 1936. So Michał Mine was continuing the works of ‘Max’.
After the World War 2, the mine was nationalized. At first, it was a part of Chorzów Mining Industry Union and later – Katowice Mining Industry Union. After the merger of ‘Michał’ and ‘Siemianowice’ coal mines, ‘Michał’ became ‘the 3rd Area of Coal Mine Siemianowice’.
In 1989 the mine was closed and liquidated because of a terrible condition of buildings and machines as well as poor coal seams. Year 1994 was a time of definitive closing of the mine.
In 2008 President of Siemianowice, Jacek Guzy, decided that the city should overtake the place which was in private hands at that time. The renovation works began energetically and the rise of Tradition Park became one of the most important and ambitious challenges for the city in its modern history.
Tradition Park was opened for the visitors in September 2012. In its first days, thousands of people saw the institution. At present, Siemianowickie Centrum Kultury (Cultural Center of Siemianowice) is in charge of Tradition Park.
The first impressive exhibit, impossible to miss, is a lifting machine from 1905 that is located in the central part of the ground floor. Next to the machine there is an exhibition of miners’ lamps (from different times and parts of Europe).
Our guests may also see a renovated painting of St. Barbara, miners’ official uniforms, a replica of a steel mill furnace (reminding us of steel milling in Siemianowice). They can also use ‘Info Kiosk’ to send an e-mail, take part in a quiz or watch pictures and movies about the ‘Michał’ mine.
The visitors can also go underground where a replica of mine headway is arranged and where they have an opportunity to meet Skarbnik (a guardian spirit of Silesian miners). A virtual miner tells stories about the history of Silesia. There is also an interactive presentation that follows your moves and glass-cases with an exhibition of mining equipment. Moreover, the building has an audiovisual auditorium with 160 chairs. It’s created to organize concerts, theatrical plays, film projections, conferences and different artistic and intellectual events.
The area surrounding the building is well organized to satisfy both guests and the citizens of Siemianowice. There are 60 free parking places but also a green area ideal for family walks, spending time outdoors and organizing big outdoor events. The ‘Krystyn’ shaft tower is illuminated at night constituting an outstanding decoration of Michałkowice district.
The activity of ‘Max’ was started by the Rheinbaben family which – as an owner of Michałkowice at that time – gained rights to build a coal mine in 1856 and started to rise it in 1881. Coal mining started two years later.
The first impressive exhibit, impossible to miss, is a lifting machine from 1905 that is located in the central part of the ground floor. Next to the machine there is an exhibition of miners’ lamps (from different times and parts of Europe).
Our guests may also see a renovated painting of St. Barbara, miners’ official uniforms, a replica of a steel mill furnace (reminding us of steel milling in Siemianowice). They can also use ‘Info Kiosk’ to send an e-mail, take part in a quiz or watch pictures and movies about the ‘Michał’ mine.
The visitors can also go underground where a replica of mine headway is arranged and where they have an opportunity to meet Skarbnik (a guardian spirit of Silesian miners). A virtual miner tells stories about the history of Silesia. There is also an interactive presentation that follows your moves and glass-cases with an exhibition of mining equipment. Moreover, the building has an audiovisual auditorium with 160 chairs. It’s created to organize concerts, theatrical plays, film projections, conferences and different artistic and intellectual events.
The area surrounding the building is well organized to satisfy both guests and the citizens of Siemianowice. There are 60 free parking places but also a green area ideal for family walks, spending time outdoors and organizing big outdoor events. The ‘Krystyn’ shaft tower is illuminated at night constituting an outstanding decoration of Michałkowice district.
‘Max’ Cinema
Siemianowickie Centrum Kultury – Park Tradycji invites all
silver screen fans to visit ‘Max’ Cinema
‘Max’, in its idea, is a small studio cinema which offers audience very ambitious repertoire: world film classics, Polish cinema but also alternative independent cinema productions that are unavailable in commercial multiplexes.
Moreover, the cinema offers attractive and valuable animated cartoons which children can watch thanks to the Sunday Movie Mornings series. Some of the projections become a complete cultural event due to a short ‘prologue’ presented by a special guest. It may be a dance show, a concert or a meeting with an interesting person. None of commercial cinemas give you such an extraordinary show that would intensify your reception of the film.
We recommend visiting ‘Max’ cinema in which the magic of the silver screen unites with the magic of the place.